Wednesday, February 18, 2009


A whirl wind of words spiraling through my head, my mind a battle between two worlds. Images flashing by, real and fake, driving deeper into the relm labeled insanity. Dreams slowy trying to make themselves as real as possible, scarying me when i feel what is not there. The haunting touch of the non-existant curses me in the twilight hours of many a night. The non-existant suffering i endure in those hours that are so haunting is slowly dismantaling my serenity. I am a soldier, my battles are not fought with guns and explosives, so my soul has not been haunted by the lingering cries of pain and betrayal from brutal shots fired. My soul is haunted by the attempts on ones own life, the blood i have not seen rolling down the arms and legs of so many, the screams and cries of desparation as somoene's life seems to be so bad, the tears seen and unseen from the pains of life. The metaphoric blood seeping out of my metaphoric wounds. I am a guardian, here to endure such suffering and to be there for those who are in need of guidance and assistance. Life can be hard, and can leave a very deep mark, completely rocking some peoples worlds. Am i doing what is right, or is all this suffering and mental strain all in vane

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