Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Death and suffering create a potent drug

Human intelligence is being drowned in the vortex of grandest ignorance. Ignorance is contagious. Its spreads like an infectious disease spreads through tight nit communities. Stupid is is stupid does. Bitter resentment resounds to those who are responsible for the ever growing strength of the vortex of ignorance, slowly draining the life and will out of all of life. I would rather die the most painful death than to be ignorant and/or have the life drained of me. I embrace death with as cold a grip that it has over its victims. We are not enemies but merely friends in an on going struggle to end problems. Suffering lets one know that they are still living. The pain in life is equivalent to running a razor across your arm, the figurative blood flowing so freely is making you realize that this is all real and you are actually alive. People see suffering as bad, suffering is merely a tool to make it through life. Without suffering we know not how to live life. Happiness has its perks, but to embrace death is to understand that this life WILL end. To embrace suffering means to be able to understand that we ARE alive, taking every excruciating blow. When i say embrace death, i mean not to commit suicide, but merely to understand death and not fear it. Fear is a tool, not an emotion. Fear is used as a form of control. Break that control. Death is life. Life is death. The greatest paradox of all.

1 comment:

  1. This is darker than normal, but it is still very thought-provoking...
